AMZ Scout VS Jungle Scout 2024– Comparison Between Best Seller Platforms!

Disclosure: Some of the links on this site are affiliate links, meaning that if you click on one of the links and purchase an item, I may receive a commission. All opinions however are my own.

Today, we operate our businesses solely with the aid of profitable software. Despite the constant emergence of new software on the market, the quantity of these products remains alarming.

AMZ Scout (Amazon Scout) and Jungle Scout (Jungle Scout) are two of the best tools for finding products online.

AMZ Scout

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Jungle Scout

Check out
Pricing $49.99 $29
Best for

With AMZ Scout, you are emailed a Weekly Trend Report. (Available only through an annual subscription.) This will identify profitable niches and assign each one a “niche score.”

The extension of Jungle Scout is compatible with Chrome and Firefox. As can be seen, you obtain all the necessary data.

  • Pro Extension
  • Product Database
  • Weekly Trend Report
  • Keyword Tracker
  • Sales Analytics
  • Chrome Extension
  • Product Database
  • Opportunity Finder
  • Keyword Scout
  • Rank Tracker
  • AMZ Scout provides both simple keyword search & ASIN tool
  • Generate substantial organic sales
  • AMZ Scout is a bit more youthful.
  • AMZ Scout’s list quality score is the best in the industry
  • Amazon Seller tool can provide you with 100% accurate data
  • Jungle Scout is compatible with Chrome and Firefox
  • The tool includes an FBA calculator
  • an excellent tool for conducting keyword research
  • Provides the estimated search volume for each keyword.
  • Inventory Manager to monitor your entire stock
  • AMZ Scout product history is not as extensive as Jungle Scou
  • Auto-renewal policy can be quite frustrating.
Value For Money

However, an AMZ Scout subscription will save you money if you’re solely concerned with discovering new products for your private-label business.

I believe that the price of Jungle Scout is extremely competitive. Especially considering the numerous additional tools you receive.

Customer Support

AMZ Scout includes a comprehensive “Getting Started” manual with detailed instructions. This includes videos and other educational materials. This seven-lesson course teaches the fundamentals of selling on Amazon.

Jungle Scout has a learning environment called the “Jungle Scout Academy” for this purpose.

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Attempting to choose between AMZ Scout and Jungle Scout for your business? Relax, because I’m about to provide a comprehensive comparison summary. This will greatly simplify your decision.

Amazon faces a more intense sales competition than ever before. As more sellers enter your niche every second, they will have access to thousands of similar widgets. The final position on the list is not what you desire.

AMZ Scout VS Jungle Scout 2024

Today, we operate our businesses solely with the aid of profitable software. Despite the constant emergence of new software on the market, the quantity of these products remains alarming.

You must use caution when selecting a business tool because the majority of them are ineffective (offering inaccurate data). In such a situation, the best search tool available on the market must be utilised.

AMZ Scout (Amazon Scout) and Jungle Scout (Jungle Scout) are two of the best tools for finding products online.

These unique tools assist Amazon sellers in maximising their business potential. Is a particular tool optimal for your business?

After reading this article, let’s conduct an in-depth comparison of Jungle Scout vs Amazon Scout, assessing the features each tool offers and the degree to which they are relevant to sellers.

Let’s begin!

The Product History of the Tools

Jungle Scout provides a more comprehensive product history than AMZ Scout, allowing sellers to compare and contrast the prices of products over time.

In most instances, comparing the Amazon price to the market price is the most effective method.

AMZ Scout’s product history is not as extensive as Jungle Scout’s, which is a drawback. Therefore, Amazon sellers with advanced expertise cannot utilise this tool.

In addition, sellers struggle to locate the correct product history for analysis.

List Quality Score

List Quality Score

AMZ Scout’s list quality score is the best in the industry. Amazon Scout provides a superior 1 to 100-point scale and rating system.

Name length, the number of bullet points, product images, and evaluations are some of the most prominent aspects you can anticipate to find in product ratings.

In Jungle Scout, Amazon FBA sellers can monitor the quality of their Amazon FBA product listings based on a 1 to 5 rating scale.

Because Jungle Scout lacks more advanced features, sellers can improve their products through direct comparisons. Based on your quality score, you can make good business decisions.

Sales Data

JS Sales Data

In comparison with Jungle Scout, AMZ Scout is significantly less accurate. Using this tool, you can however maintain an unlimited amount of sales content.

Jungle Scout, on the other hand, keeps accurate records of Amazon product sales.

Consideration has been given to product history, pricing, and Amazon Seller data ranking positions. Sales information is Jungle Scout’s strong suit.

Presenting The Products

The tools in AMZ Scout and Jungle Scout accomplish a lot of the same things. First, let’s talk about them. In a later post, I’ll explain what Jungle Scout has that AMZ Scout doesn’t.

1: Data Accuracy

Permit me to preface this section by stating that no Amazon Seller tool can provide you with 100% accurate data. Moreover, you will always find that different tools yield distinct data.

This is because Amazon does not share its actual data with anyone.

Moreover, the market’s algorithms are constantly changing and being updated. This implies that any tool you employ must be continually updated to keep up with the changes.

Therefore, you should never rely solely on a single tool and accept its data as absolute truth. I’ve been an FBA seller on Amazon for over three years. During this time, I have witnessed numerous changes.

As sellers, we must constantly adapt to the ever-changing Amazon marketplace. Visit a few forum discussions to understand what I mean.

Which of the two tools, AMZ Scout or Jungle Scout, provides more accurate information?

Jungle Scout claims that their data is 84.1% accurate, whereas Amazon’s data is only 44.3% accurate.

The following is a chart from their website:

The issue is that they do not explain how they arrived at these statistics.

On their website, AMZ Scout claims their data is approximately 70 percent accurate, whereas Jungle Scout’s data is approximately 65 percent accurate. At least we’re getting closer.

This is their graph:

Who do you believe, then? Simply understand that no data is 100% accurate. It is your responsibility to use the data as a baseline when evaluating new products.

Then, examine the actual information available on Amazon to determine whether a product is worthwhile.

Keepa is my favourite tool for analysing Amazon products. I will always consult the Keep sales and price history graph. Despite the fact that these are all estimates, it gives me a better idea of how product trends are developing.

Then, I incorporate a small amount of developed gut instinct.

If you are launching a new product, my advice is not to overdo it. Find a manufacturer who will accept small orders. Then, evaluate the performance of the product through testing.

2: Using Chrome extensions to research products

You can access Amazon product pages directly through AMZ Scout and Jungle Scout. This is extremely helpful when searching for additional products to sell.

We are all in business to make a profit, let’s face it. Therefore, you should seek out products that are both profitable and have low levels of competition. This affords you ample opportunity to enter the market.

Jungle Scout Chrome Extension

Jungle Scout Extension

The extension of Jungle Scout is compatible with Chrome and Firefox. As can be seen, you obtain all the necessary data.

Additionally, the extension provides an opportunity score. The score is superior the higher it is. This will reduce your research time by preventing you from wasting time on non viable products.

Pro Extension By AMZ Scout

AMZ Scout Pro Extension

Similar functionality is available in AMZ Scout’s Pro extension. 

A great feature of the extension is that it gives you a Product Score for both private-labeling and reselling. Therefore, this tool can be used by resellers as well.

User Experience

The majority of Amazon sellers are aware that using these Chrome extensions directly on Amazon’s product pages saves time. Simply click on the icon, and you’ll have immediate access to the required information.

I’ve discovered that both of these extensions provide valuable information that you can use to make more informed product decisions.

Comparative Analysis

Both of these extensions appear and feel identical. Thus, it is difficult to determine which is superior.

You can evaluate both for free and make your own decision.

However, do not make a decision just yet. Each tool platform has additional information to be discovered.

3: Finding Profitable Niches Using A Product Data basex

There may be times when you decide to enter a new niche. In order to determine which of them will be profitable, how do you make a decision?

It’s at this point that AMZ Scout vs Jungle Scout’s product databases prove invaluable.

Jungle Scout’s Product Database

Jungle Scout Product Database

This database contains more than 475 million products for evaluation. Obviously, you should refine your search before viewing individual products.

This can be accomplished with relative ease using various metrics. These include sales rank, volume, price, revenue, and review count.

In addition, the tool includes an FBA calculator. This ensures that all costs are considered when making a decision.

AMZ Scout’s Product Database

Amz Scout Product Database

Here, you can specify your search parameters prior to initiating a search. You may select a category and several keywords. Additionally, you can specify the price range and the number of reviews.

Additionally, you can choose whether to include “new” and “trending” products.

It provides all the information necessary to make an informed decision about a particular niche.

User Experience

As a user, you will find both of these tools to be intuitive and simple to use. Both have effective filters that can be used to find precisely what is desired.

Using a product database is ultimately only the initial step in your search for the next product you wish to launch.

Comparative Analysis

As a user, you will find both of these tools to be intuitive and simple to use. Both have effective filters that can be used to find precisely what is desired.

Using a product database is ultimately only the initial step in your search for the next product you wish to launch.

4: Finding Product Opportunities

Discovering new product opportunities is essential. Particularly when trying to expand your FBA business.

AMZ Scout vs Jungle Scout can assist you with this, thankfully.

Opportunity Finder By Jungle Scout

Jungle Scout Opportunity Finder

This is a combined keyword and product research tool. The next step is to search for products related to the niche you have identified.

After identifying potential products, you can add them to “Product Tracker.” This enables you to observe their performance over time.

Weekly Trend Report By AMZ Scout

With AMZ Scout, you are emailed a Weekly Trend Report. (Available only through an annual subscription.) This will identify profitable niches and assign each one a “niche score.”

User Experience

As an Amazon seller, I consider both of these tools to be superior but unnecessary. You have a limited amount of time available for product research. Therefore, you should utilise the tools that provide the required information in the shortest amount of time.

Comparative Analysis

Because AMZ’s Trend Report requires an annual subscription, not everyone may find it useful. You can use Jungle Scout’s “Opportunity Finder” to find opportunities.

5: Keyword Research

Extensive keyword research determines the level of optimization of your listings. It is also crucial for ensuring that your products appear in Amazon search results. In addition, keywords are essential tools for PPC campaigns.

Either Jungle Scout or AMZ Scout is an excellent tool for conducting keyword research. How does each platform handle this?

Jungle Scout’s Keyword Scout

Jungle Scout's Keyword Scout

There is a limit of ten ASINs you can enter with this tool. You will then receive a list of commonly used keywords by these products.

By filtering the results, it is possible to identify keywords with a high search volume. It is possible that your competitors are not utilising these. This will put you far ahead of the competition.

AMZ Scout provides both a simple keyword search and an ASIN lookup tool. Their research and ASIN lookup tools share the same interface as their product database.

Time is saved by having the same interface across multiple tools. This is due to the fact that you know exactly what to look for.

You can also click “Niche Keywords” in the Pro extension to obtain a list of initial keywords.

User Experience

Researching keywords can be time-consuming. In this regard, AMZ Scout’s Chrome extension is superior.

It provides you with a list of niche keywords to begin with.

You can then enter these into their keyword tool to generate an even larger list. Therefore, as a user, you have a straightforward, step-by-step process to follow.

Comparative Analysis

There is no doubt that AMZ Scout’s keyword research tools have a much wider scope than those offered by Google.

Keyword research is especially important if you want to go in-depth. Since product research is their main focus, this makes sense.

6: Keyword Tracking

To rise to the top of the Amazon search results, it is essential to monitor your keywords. Knowing the performance of your keywords enables you to optimise your listings. This will result in increased sales.

Jungle Scout and AMZ Scout are both effective keyword tracking applications.

Jungle Scout’s Rank Tracker

Jungle Scout’s Rank Tracker

This tool allows you to set filters so that you only see the data you require. It also displays your primary keywords in a convenient tracking graph.

Obviously, keyword tracking is incomplete if you do not also monitor your competitors’ rankings. And Jungle Scout provides you with precisely this information.

Here, you can enter the ASINs of competitors to determine which keywords they are using. In addition, it provides the estimated search volume for each keyword.

AMZ Scout’s Keyword Tracker

AMZ Scout’s Keyword Tracker

Actually, this is a Chrome extension. It is both a keyword tracker and an ASIN reverse lookup tool. The tool will actually indicate where your products rank in the search results.

This is extremely useful because it allows you to optimise your listing and move it higher in the search results.

Once you begin to generate substantial organic sales, you can reduce your advertising spending. This will reduce your expenses.

User Experience

Both tools have user-friendly interfaces. However, I like the Chrome extension AMZ Scout offers for keyword tracking. Again, you will save a lot of time by having all this information on your product page.

Comparative Analysis

Keeping track of keywords and competitors are both useful tools. AMZ Scout’s Chrome extension is a great tool for quick information.

7: Extra Tools Offered By Jungle Scout

While AMZ Scout focuses primarily on product research, Jungle Scout provides additional tools. This may facilitate your decision-making. Especially if you consider the following to be essential business tools.

Create product promotions within the dashboard of Jungle Scout to increase your sales.

  • Utilize their listing builder to generate new listings with all relevant keywords.
  • Utilize the Inventory Manager on Jungle Scout to monitor your entire stock.
  • Obtain a comprehensive analysis of your business with Sales Analytics.

8: Expertise & Experience

Jungle Scout was created by Greg Mercer in 2015. Greg is a successful Amazon seller with years of experience operating an eight-figure enterprise. Other Jungle Scout team members also operate profitable Amazon businesses.

Obviously, this means that they have incorporated their knowledge of how Amazon operates into the tools they provide. This results in an enhanced and more informed user experience.

AMZ Scout is a bit more youthful. It was introduced by Paul Ryskov in 2017. Paul has experience with digital marketing, sales, and IT companies.

AMZ Scout’s employees come from all over the world and have diverse backgrounds. They are committed to offering the most effective tools to their customers.

9: Pricing

AMZ Scout Pricing Jungle Scout Pricing

Both AMZ Scout and Jungle Scout are priced fairly competitively.

AMZ Scout has a single pricing tier, unless only the PRO extension is desired. Why, for the small additional cost, would you not take the entire bundle?

This is the monthly cost for a plan.

On an annual plan, substantial savings are possible.

Taking out a yearly plan if you can afford it will save you a lot of money.

You can choose between three price tiers for Jungle Scout. Their pricing is slightly more expensive than AMZ Scout, but they offer more tools.

In addition, if you opt to pay annually, you will save a whopping 55%.

Comparative Analysis

I believe that the price of Jungle Scout is extremely competitive. Especially considering the numerous additional tools you receive.

However, an AMZ Scout subscription will save you money if you’re solely concerned with discovering new products for your private-label business.

10: Customer Support & Resources

AMZ Scout and Jungle Scout are equally committed to the success of their clients. Jungle Scout has a learning environment called the “Jungle Scout Academy” for this purpose.

This has tutorials to help you gain as much knowledge as possible.

Additional resources offered by Jungle Scout include:

  • Organize regular webinars
  • Video tutorials and in-depth articles – all free
  • A step-by-step guide to case studies
  • New customer training on-site
  • In their exclusive “Tool Tip Tuesday” series, they take a deep dive into their products

AMZ Scout includes a comprehensive “Getting Started” manual with detailed instructions. This includes videos and other educational materials. This seven-lesson course teaches the fundamentals of selling on Amazon.

Included in their monthly subscription is an Amazon Seller Masterclass. This is managed by e-commerce specialists. It offers advanced recommendations on product sourcing and marketing.

If you require more personalised assistance, you can use their webchat. Or, communicate with them via their respective contact forms.

Each platform’s website also contains a wealth of additional resources.

Comparative Analysis

Both AMZ Scout and Jungle Scout provide a wealth of useful resources and training materials, but Jungle Scout has more.

Particularly when it comes to extensive training. Additionally, they consistently provide Amazon-related news updates.

Quick Links:

  1. Helium 10 vs Viral Launch 
  2. Amazon Music On Apple Watch 
  3. Helium 10 Magnet 
  4. AMZScout vs Helium 
  5. How to Leave Seller Feedback On Amazon 
  6. Sellzone Review 
  7. Commercials on Amazon Prime Video 
  8. Helium 10 Vs Sellics Comparison
  9. Pros And Cons Of Amazon FBA 
  10. What Is Shipping to Amazon FBA Rapid Express Freight?
  11. Amazon Virtual Assistant Guide To Transform Your FBA Business Today
  12. How To Get Ungated On Amazon 

Final Words : AMZ Scout VS Jungle Scout 2024

The decision between AMZ Scout and Jungle Scout comes down to what you need from your selling tools. If you’re new to private-label, I recommend trying AMZ Scout.

However, I think Jungle Scout would be better suited for seasoned sellers who already have substantial inventories.

My recommendations are listed below.

Use AMZ Scout If:

  • You are a new seller who simply desired to get started.
  • You’ve been selling for some time, but now you’d like to launch a private-label line.
  • You already have inventory management under control and require assistance with product research.
  • You are on a strict budget and require only effective product research tools.

Try AMZ Scout Risk-Free

Use Jungle Scout If:

  • As a seller, you have a lot of experience.
  • Managing your inventory requires a tool.
  • Having all your sales analytics in one place is convenient for you.
  • A tool that can grow with your business is what you’re looking for.

A graduate of the IIMC, Diksha enjoys testing out new tech products and services. Her goal is to help others make more informed purchases of tech products and services. In her spare time, she enjoys traveling, watching movies, and listening to music. An ardent reader loves to be surrounded by technology. You can follow her on LinkedIn and Instagram

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