Top 7 Benefits of Article Page & How To Use It 2025?

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Articles are a great way to share your knowledge with the world. Whether you’re writing about something fun or informative, articles allow you to get creative and develop your voice as an author. Here are some tips for creating article pages that readers will love! 

Do you want to write engaging blog posts? If so, then an article page is perfect for you! Articles give bloggers the opportunity to be creative while sharing their thoughts on any topic they’d like. These tips can help anyone create content that is sure to engage readers and drive traffic back to their site.

Article Page is a placeholder for an upcoming article.

Article pages are used to hold text or pictures that will be replaced by their own final version later on. They usually contain content such as “This page is currently under construction and is not yet ready.” and can also show temporary images, videos, tables, statistics and more.

Sometimes the content on pages may be content that was written in the past and is waiting to be moved into its correct spot later on, but most of the time it’s used for placeholder text.

An article page should NOT be confused with a template that serves an entirely different purpose within articles. It can however be confusing because some templates such as {{Under construction}} contain the word “article” within them.

How to Create an Article page?

  1. Login to your account and navigate to the “Create” tab / “Pages” / “Add New Page”.
  2. Fill in the required fields with Article Title, Sub-Title and Short Description.
  3. Click “Save & Exit”.
  4. Now you will see the new “Article” page in your navigation menu bar/left side of your screen. You can edit or delete it by clicking on the pencil icon.

If you wish to link this article page to any module, please run a search for keywords used in the blog and you will see results in left side navigation. Click on the “Create” button in front and run through the wizard.

Importance of Having an Article page?

Article Page
image credit- Pixabay

1.) Ensure your main article page contains very little if any links (only show two exceptions). When Google sees too many links on a page it will penalize you and lower your pages rankings.

2.) Make sure the page has a unique title and description so Google knows it is a unique post on your site. This way you rank higher in the SERPs. As for the body of the article, I recommend keeping it clean with standard text formatting to ensure you get maximum exposure on as many sites as possible.

3.) Use a unique article body text format when you submit your page to directories this will prevent Google from seeing all of the pages on the different directories as duplicates.

4.) Also, make sure you only submit the same article to low PR sites or it could get filtered again.

 5.) Make sure you don’t over use tags in your articles. Google may see this as spam and remove your article from the results all together.

6.) Submit your article to social sites like Facebook, Community Engage or Hubpages, in order for you to gain a lot of backlinks quickly. This will help promote your site and make it look more popular when people search for it on Google.

7.) The final step would be to submit your page to article directories that have high PR’s. This way you are able to get the most exposure possible for your articles and help improve your site ranking in the SERPs.

What are the Benefits of Having an Article Page?

While every website would have a blog on their homepage, very few websites on WordPress will have an Article page. This may be because there is not much on them or that people do not understand what they are for or how to use them. 

This article will discuss why you should start using an article page and how to use it effectively.  Most of this information will apply to any WordPress site, but there may be some things that are specific to websites with the Genesis Framework.

The main benefit is that you can use it as a type of landing page for your website to make it appear more professional and give it more structure. This will allow people to know where the information they are looking for is located and to be able to find it easily. 

A lot of website owners just have their blog on the home page by default, while others may have a sitemap there instead. Either way, these options do not usually help people find specific information quickly.

By adding an article page you will have a place to put your long-form content that may not fit well on the blog page.  This can be information about a specific topic before going into more detail on the blog or it could be something that you want people to find quickly, such as an FAQ section of your website.

Another use for an article page is to have it as a category page.  If you have several articles on the same topic, you can have those listed under the appropriate category so they are easy to find from one list.

Finally you can use an article page that is a landing page for a special offer or event. This would be used as a lead generation tool and it will help boost the effectiveness of your advertising.

How to use your Article Page?

If you are using WordPress with the Genesis Framework, there are two ways to create an article page. One is by adding an actual page and the other is by adding a category page.  In this instance, you can have as many article pages as there are categories.

How to use your Article Page?
image credit- Pixabay

When adding a standard page to your website, create an individual title for it as if it were a blog post – preferably something that people might search for regularly. In your content editor, paste the following code where you want the articles to appear.

The code above will create a title field, which you can use to add your titles.  It will also give each article its own date and timestamp for when it was published.  If you prefer not to have this information in the articles themselves, but still want it on the list of articles, just remove that part of the code.

Now that you have the code in your content editor, go to the article manager and create a category for all of your articles.  Make sure to name it something specific so people know what to search for when they are looking for it.


Pros & Cons 

Pros –

The pros of having an Article page for your business are that you can provide more information about your business on one page rather than Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc.

Most people have never heard of content curation, but it is becoming a hot topic in the world of search engine optimization (SEO). If done correctly, content curation helps to build a digital footprint for your business, generate backlinks and increase search engine rankings.

Another advantage of having an article page would be that you can provide more information about your business on one page rather than Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc. In this way people can find all the necessary information they are looking for by just clicking on your open graph.

Article pages are very SEO friendly. If you do it right, your article pages can rank high on search engines like Google and Bing. This is because article pages provide the keywords customers are searching for.

Customers do not need to go through several different websites to find what they are looking for; they just click on your open graph and get all the necessary information.

The last advantage is that it helps your business become more credible and trustworthy, which means you get a better reputation on social media sites.

People do not need to go through several different websites to find what they are looking for; they just click on your open graph and get all the necessary information from one place.


A notable con is that you might open up the potential for drama with badly written articles, claiming things about other users, etc. Also, since there are many fan characters who are given their own pages, you might feel as though yours isn’t as important or is unworthy of having a page.

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Conclusion- Benefits of Article Page 2025

An article page, also known as a landing page or microsite, are pages that exist on your website to promote content.

You may have seen these types of pages before when you clicked on the “read more” button at the end of an advertisement and were taken to another site where there was only one purpose – for example, selling shoes online.

Article pages can be used in many different ways depending on what type of business you own and what products/services they offer. For instance, if you’re running a blog then this would be a great place to post new articles about current events or topics related to your niche. 

An article page is a single, long blog post that you can add to your website. It usually has the same design as the other pages on your site and includes an introduction followed by all of the information about what’s being discussed in detail.

Article pages are great for people who have longer pieces of content they want to share with their readers because it gives them a visual break from scrolling down through text alone.