Blogging As a Career: Should You Consider It As a Career In 2023

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“Blogging as a Career” This is an argument that has raged for a decade, and you all know the answer quite well. Nonetheless, I will attempt to throw some light on this subject today.

With the expansion of knowledge on the internet, blogging has become a popular phrase, and every other child on the block understands how to establish a blog.

As a result, the term “blogging” has grown in popularity, and everyone now understands what a blog is and what it is used for. For this reason, everyone has a blog and writes something each day.

According to Neil Patel, there are already over a billion blogs on the internet, which equates to about one blog for every seven individuals on the planet.

Because there are so many blogs on the internet, there are also a lot of rivalries. As a result of this tough competition, many individuals have developed ways to monetize their blogs economically.

What could be better than being paid to write about something you’re passionate about?

That is the power of blogging. Blogging might help you pay your bills, but it can also allow you to enjoy a luxurious life.

So should you consider Blogging as a career?

Yes, blogging can be considered a professional choice, but only if you are sincerely passionate about your site’s speciality and the content you will be publishing.

However, there is a proviso to the above statement, which comes with several sacrifices and considerations.

We’ll take a closer look at this later, considering numerous facts and numbers.

So, are you looking forward to delving into this comprehensive guide? Yes !!

So let’s get started.

1. Blogging Is Not a Get Rich Quick Scheme

The most crucial aspect for new bloggers to understand is that blogging is not a get-rich-quick scheme.

I’ve seen many people start blogging because they overheard someone say that it makes money for them or because they read somewhere that blogging may make little to no investment.

The fact is that real money may be made by blogging, and beginning a blog is inexpensive, but many people feel that blogging is a simple method to generate money.

That is not the case.

Blogging is a legitimate business idea that only pays you if you put in the necessary work and your material brings actual value to the lives of others.

That value might be anything from entertainment to music.

Your blog will not produce anything if it does not give people value.

When it comes to blogging, like with anything else in the world, it takes time to see some results in terms of traffic, income, and brand awareness.

Every process takes time. For 20 years, you were not a productive member of society. Even a little plant takes years to mature into a massive fruit-bearing tree. This is also true for your blog, which will demand your time, energy, attention, devotion, and everything else required.

Whatever you desire from your blog will not be easy to obtain, but it will be obtained.

2. You Have To Fall In Love With Writing

If you are a blogger or want to start your first blog, you must fall in love with writing.

The vast majority of individuals start blogs but loathe writing blog articles. It’s something I’m always aware of. Those that have blogs have relatively little content on them since they don’t feel like writing blog articles.

If you agree, blogging may be tough for you if you dislike writing, but you may establish specific writing habits that will allow you to like writing.

Writing may range from dull to highly intriguing, depending on the person.

You must be honest with yourself whether you love writing or not. If not, blogging is most likely not for you; nevertheless, you may experiment with alternative platforms such as YouTube, podcasts, and so on.

Not everyone loves writing on a daily basis, and not everyone can write appealing content. In verity, writing is a natural gift for certain people. And, whether you love writing or not, you must be conscious of who you are.

If you like writing and can create comprehensive content, welcome to the blogosphere. You’ll get through it.

3. Consistency Is The Key To Success In Blogging

The single most crucial factor determining the success or failure of your blog is consistency.

People prefer to read blogs that consistently provide useful content. That is why you must be constant in generating useful blog content.

Now consider this in the context of a real-world example 👇

You’ve probably read a blog or watched a YouTube channel at some time in your life, haven’t you?

You’ve read and watched every blog post and video on that channel and enjoyed them all. So you want more, don’t you?

As a result, I’m assuming you’re checking that website for new articles and that YouTube channel for new videos regularly.

This is because the blog and YouTube channel offer you a reason to reflect; they present you with valuable material that you appreciate, like, and even admire; consequently, you visit them regularly to learn about what’s new.

That’s how crucial consistency is; if you can keep your blog updated with useful information regularly, your traffic will increase, and people will return more regularly.

In this aspect, consistency is critical.

Avoid publishing every blog article you’ve saved as a draft on the same day if you won’t be able to write as much material the next day. Instead, you may keep a frequency of one or two blog posts every week, ensuring that your blog is constantly packed with material and always attracting viewers.

It’s not a good practice to publish all your blog posts at once and then go months without writing anything.

It will be significantly more beneficial to your blog if you keep a consistent posting frequency per day or week rather than releasing everything at once and then not writing for months.

4. You have To Explore New Things In Your Niche Continuously

When you choose to blog as a job, you cannot simply be a hobby blogger; you must be severe if you want to pursue blogging as a career.

Because it is ultimately your career, you cannot treat it carelessly because doing so would end in financial loss.

As a result, if you want to be a professional blogger in ten or fifteen years, you must continually learn new things about your field and keep up with its advances.

The simplest way to keep current on your topic is to read the best blogs in that industry daily and watch videos from the top YouTubers in that field because they are always giving new knowledge.

As a result, if you want to begin blogging professionally, you must always remain in touch with your subject so that you never miss anything and have new information to write about with extra research.

5. Most Bloggers Don’t Earn Enough Money

Most people will not tell you the unpleasant reality that most bloggers do not earn a single thing from their blogs.

According to ProBlogger research, most people do not earn even $5 from their blogs. That is not even a sufficient amount of money to buy them coffee.

blogging as a Career

Only the top 15 – 20% of bloggers generate a respectable amount of money to support their families.

This is due to the severe competition on the internet.

If you choose to blog as a job, you must be exceedingly competitive; otherwise, you should not expect to achieve anything long-term.

Starting a blog today is cheap, so much so that everyone has a blog on some topic. Today, the cost of starting a blog is as low as $100. This opens the door to a flood of resistance for you.

You should consider blogging as a career because if you are competitive and significantly better than your competitors, you will be able to stand out from the crowd and get the most readers.

Another reason people cannot generate money from their blogs is that they choose the wrong subject or something in which they have no interest. As a result, their new website fails.

As a result, if you are passionate about your writing profession, your topic should be equally significant to you.

The competition in the niche is another factor in the demise of any blog. When a new blogger begins a blog, they immediately publish popular material without first researching the amount of competition for that term. As a result, their material is not indexed and receives little to no traffic.

Google will not trust your blog because it is new, and you have no authority in your sector. As a result, before progressing to popular, high-competition themes, you must first build your reputation by publishing blog posts on low-competition issues.

6. You Always Have To Learn and Unlearn

The only career that permits you to be a perpetual learner is blogging.

If you already have a blog, you’ve undoubtedly taught yourself how to construct a blog, drive traffic to your site, monetise your blog, and so on. You didn’t know those things, but you taught yourself using the many resources on the internet.

I enjoy blogging; it allows you to be a lifelong learner by constantly testing new ideas and discarding what isn’t working for your business.

When you start blogging, you become a lifelong student, and while you learn new things, you must also relearn old ones that no longer work.

So, if you choose to blog as a career, congrats! You are on your path to being a lifelong learner who will experiment with and learn new things along the road.

7. You Can’t Grow Alone

When we initially start a blog, we worry about how we’ll post stuff, get people to read them, and get paid, right?

It’s quite the reverse; to grow as a blogger and provide your readers with engaging material, you must do much more than simply create blog entries. You must meet other bloggers in your niche in person, engage with your audience, and regularly seek input on their issues and wants.

Blogging isn’t only for one person’s advantage; it’s for the entire community’s benefit.

Expanding your network will provide you with additional possibilities, incredible people, fresh experiences, and, most importantly, the opportunity to learn something from everyone. Consequently, networking and creating real relationships with other bloggers and your blog followers will only help and never harm your site’s growth.

Here’s an example: When I first started blogging, I hung out on several different forums and online groups on my subject, and I still do so today. As a consequence, I’ve made strong contacts with many good bloggers and marketers in my field, and they recognize my blog.

So if I want to guest write on someone’s site, I send them an email asking for a guest post or backlinks, and they are more than glad to oblige. The same goes for social shares; whenever I publish anything new, my friends and audiences share my blog pieces.

This is all due to the networking I’ve done and the relationships I’ve established. My blog would not have been feasible without networking and making relationships.

8. Your Success Will Depend On Your Niche And Your Hard Work

Yes, this is correct. Your success will depend on your speciality, situation, and strenuous effort.

Because each speciality is unique and various individuals operate in different niches, the competition differs from niche to niche.

Suppose you are a one-man army and wish to blog about a highly competitive niche where world-class bloggers are battling for the exact keywords. In that case, you should either quit the topic or bring in more competition from your side by increasing your team and upgrading your work.

People who write today’s blogs for a living have a dedicated team for everything, such as content development, content marketing, graphics design, SEO, technical team, etc.

So, as a beginner blogger, you won’t be able to compete with them as a one-man army unless you have your own highly trained crew. And I understand that every new blogger starts from scratch, but you must carefully select the proper fights.

You will waste a lot of time if you do not analyze the competition.

If you can bring the proper fight, effort, and comparable teamwork to bear on your opponents, go for it. However, if you’re fighting the biggest bully in your business on your own, it won’t be possible.

9. You Have To Learn Marketing

When you blog for a living, you are not simply blogging and creating content, content, content. You must also advertise your article for it to reach the proper individuals and, eventually, for you to generate money.

See, the concept is that the more readers you have for your blog, the more money you can make from it, so if you are only writing and not focusing on the content promotion portion, you cannot expect to make a lot of money from it.

Nobody will read your article unless you sell it. What good is the finest content in the world if no one sees it? This is why you must master marketing for your blog post.

And the best thing you can do for your blog is to study SEO, which is the process of optimizing your blog articles for search engines so that search engines can quickly recognize your content subject and display it to the people who are genuinely searching for it.

There are also lots of other things that you can do to market your blog, and you can learn complete Digital Marketing, which includes:

  1. SEO
  2. Content Marketing
  3. Social Media Marketing
  4. Paid Advertising
  5. Content Updates
  6. Conversion Rate Optimization
  7. Email Marketing
  8. Analytics
  9. Copywriting
  10. Building a community

All of the aforementioned are aspects of digital marketing that will assist you in increasing traffic to your website.

10. Blogging requires Hard work, Plan, Dedication

Blogging is a business, just like any other. Today, everyone who wants to pursue blogging as a job wants to generate money from their site.

So, to turn your blog into a full-time income source, you must plan and execute each step strategically.

As a blogger, you will face challenges in every element of your life since, like any other business, blogging has rivals in every niche. As a result, you must plan ahead of time, analyze your competitors, and respond quickly.

If you plan ahead of time and take the time to analyze Your Competitors, you will be well ahead of the rest of your competitors.

Anyone who has achieved success in their field Today’s leaders prepared ahead of their actual actions, so if you want to do the same and completely dominate your site’s specialization, you must do the same and make shrewd blog judgments.

Conclusion of Blogging As a Career

I am delighted that you made it to the end of this post and took the time to study the vital information before deciding on or beginning a career in blogging.

Now that you’ve learned everything there is to know about blogging as a job, you’re ready to embark on your blogging adventure as a professional blogger.

Everyone starts from nothing; no one enters the blogging world knowing everything. Everyone works their way to the top.

If you haven’t started a blog yet and are looking to start your blog the right way, Refer to this guide on starting your blog the right way, it will help you to get started in your Blogging journey.

Learn Blogging From Scratch

Should You choose Blogging As a Career?

Of course, you should, and everyone should establish a blog as a side activity.

Yes, individuals make hundreds of thousands of dollars monthly from their blogs.

No, you should not do so since no one can anticipate whether a blog will succeed. Instead, start your blogging career as a side business or mix blogging with your other duties, such as school or having a typical job.

Before devoting your entire time to blogging, give it at least two years to determine if it will produce enough cash to replace your day job or, at the very least, pay your living expenses.

Blogging As a Career