7 Best EdTech Tools 2025: Best Academic Essay Writing Tools For Students & Teachers

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In this post, we are going to talk about the best Edtech Tools 2025.

If you are a student, you know what college feels like. Sometimes, it might feel like an enlightening experience you want to have more often.

Other times, it might feel like a burden that stresses you out. Either way, this beautiful mix of feelings and emotions helps you develop your skills and learn how to solve problems and issues.

Thankfully, technology offers a wide variety of tools and solutions to modern problems students have.

Essay Writing - EdTech Tools

They have an essential role in the educational process as they help both students and teachers boost their skills. Writing essays, research papers, or case studies might feel challenging sometimes.

However, here are seven tech tools and resources you can use for academic essay writing.

7 Best EdTech Tools 2025

The following are seven tech resources and tools for academic essay writing that you may find useful.

1. Quill

Quill is one of the tools technology puts to your service. Writing essays and all kinds of papers might leave you drained.

You have to choose your topic, research, take notes, outline, write, and then edit and proofread. But a lot of students skip this step for various reasons, one of which is lack of time.

Well, Quill is the edtech tool that offers students the help they need. It has proofreading features, helping students spot mistakes and edit them.

Quill Overview - EdTech Tools

One of the nicest things about Quill is that it has lessons for students too. These help them boost their writing skills and learn how to approach each task requirement.

It’s like using an essay maker to craft your resume. You use a tool to craft a mistake-free essay.

And you also get personalized lessons depending on your activity on the platform, so it creates a great opportunity to boost your skills. 

2. Read-Able

One of the requirements of every essay you’ll have to write is to make it readable. This means that sentences should flow smoothly from one another.

At the same time, you should not make sentences too complex, as understanding them and the message will be problematic.

Read-Able is a tool that helps you spot exactly the sentences that are hard to read. Like this, you can edit them and make the content as readable as possible.

3. The Grammar Gorillas

Few students are actually in love with grammar and all the elements of speech. For most of them, this feels like a burden.

However, learning grammar can actually be fun and it will help you tremendously in college and whenever you have to write a paper.

Grammar Gorillas

You have to feed the gorilla bananas, which you get if you identify certain parts of speech. Lessons get more and more ambitious and they help you polish your grammar skills. 

4. Anti-Social

Writing academic papers on your laptop comes with distractions. You might find yourself scrolling through your newsfeed or watching videos on YouTube.

Well, to make sure you deliver your papers in time, you could use Anti-Social. It’s a nice app that helps you restrict access to websites you should not use while writing.

5. BoomWriter

BoomWriter is a nice tool that helps students become better at writing by getting feedback from their peers. Everything happens anonymously and it can turn out into a real experience of learning.

Gamification is part of this app, so sharing your work or suggesting edits to others’ work gets you points. Which you can later use to upgrade your avatar.

This is a tremendous edtech tool that helps students polish their writing skills.

6. Six Great Ways to Search the Web

Academic essay writing involves work and time. And the research part is one of the most important ones, as it provides you with the details and information you need.

The internet is vast and for sure it has an answer to every question. But it is crucial to know how to search for the information you need online, so you can easily get an insight into research strategies by using this tool.

7. Thesis Generator

Thesis Generator is a great tool that helps students craft the best thesis statement. The majority of them say that this is one of the most provocative parts of academic essay writing.

And a lot of them stumble upon it, without finding something good enough to go on. Well, with Thesis Generator everything comes in handy.

You have to fill in the topic of your paper, your opinion, and the main arguments that support it.

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Final Thoughts: Best EdTech Tools 2025

Technology offers great tools and resources for academic essay writing. They help students improve their writing, research, and grammar skills tremendously. So, why not use them?

Bio lines: Kathy Mercado is a content writer and blogger. She usually writes on topics such as productivity, academic writing, and soft skills. Kathy loves reading manga.