Ethical Residential Proxy Sourcing and Usage Policy

At Twinstrata, we are committed to upholding the highest ethical standards in sourcing and using residential proxies. This policy outlines our approach to ensuring transparency, legal compliance, and responsible usage of residential proxies in our services.

1. Ethical Sourcing of Residential Proxies

1.1. Voluntary Participation

All residential proxies in our network are sourced with explicit permission from users who willingly share their internet connections. We only work with reputable partners to ensure that all sources of proxies have provided informed consent and are compensated fairly for their participation.

1.2. Compliance with Legal Requirements

Twinstrata ensures that all residential proxies in our network comply with relevant laws and regulations, including data protection laws such as the GDPR. We never source proxies from unauthorized or illegal sources, and we continuously monitor our proxy suppliers to maintain ethical sourcing practices.

2. Responsible Usage of Residential Proxies

2.1. Fair and Transparent Use

We require all customers to use our residential proxies responsibly. Twinstrata strictly prohibits the use of residential proxies for illegal activities, including but not limited to data scraping without consent, hacking, and accessing unauthorized information.

2.2. User Control and Opt-Out

Users who share their residential internet connections through our partners have full control over their participation. They can choose to opt out at any time, ensuring that they are not bound to continue participation if they no longer wish to share their connection.

3. Prohibited Activities

The following activities are strictly prohibited when using Twinstrata’s residential proxies:

  • Engaging in illegal activities such as fraud, identity theft, or unauthorized access to computer systems.
  • Violating the terms of service of third-party websites or services, including bypassing security measures or engaging in unauthorized scraping.
  • Using proxies to distribute malware, spam, or engage in any malicious behavior.

4. Commitment to Transparency

Twinstrata is committed to transparency in how our residential proxies are sourced and used. We provide clear information to all stakeholders, including proxy users, customers, and partners, to ensure that everyone understands their rights and responsibilities.

5. Continuous Monitoring and Improvement

We continuously monitor our sourcing and usage practices to ensure they remain ethical and compliant with all applicable regulations. We are also committed to improving our services based on feedback from our customers and partners.

6. Reporting Abuse

We take reports of abuse seriously. If you suspect that our residential proxies are being used for unethical or illegal purposes, please contact us immediately at [Insert Contact Information]. We will investigate and take appropriate action, including terminating access for any customer found in violation of this policy.

7. Contact Information

For any questions or concerns regarding this policy, please reach out to Twinstrata at [email protected].