How To Get A Free Mobile Phone 2025? 8 Ways To A Free Phone

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Before you buy your phone, you need to go through the mobile phone guide that will help you to deal with issues such as roaming charges, type of phone, the quality of the phone, and the features found in the phone you want to buy.

This is important to know what type of phone you want to buy, whether it is an iPhone or an android phone.

Various things need to be considered. When you also want to get a free phone, you need to visit particular platforms to compare mobile phones, and you will be able to see which platform has the best deal when it comes to free telephones. The platforms are;

Smartphone Guide


1. Trade Your Old Phone

You can have an old phone or a tablet, and you want the latest version, and you don’t have the money to buy the new model because it is expensive. Well, you could trade your phone for a new free mobile phone, and the various websites you can change your phone with are;

Buyback Boss

Buyback is known for acquiring old gadgets. If you have a phone or tablet stashed somewhere in a drawer, then this is your chance to trade that old thing with a new phone at no upfront cost. Isn’t that wonderful?

You may go to their page to learn more about the free items they offer, and you won’t have to pay anything upfront because you’ll get your new phone for free. Afterward, you will receive your payments either via PayPal or check.


On this particular website, you can sell very many devices from iPhones, MacBooks, and google phones too.

All you need to do is to go to their website, get a quote, and you can ship your phone to them if it’s worth more than 1$, once the phone reaches them you will get paid.

2. Check Craigslist

On craigslist, you can purchase anything for free from TVs, firewood, and phones.

You don’t have to worry about not getting a new phone or your money back because they have been in the business for a while, and many trust them.

When you want to get a free phone from them, you could visit their page and go to the for sale section, click it, and you will see the things they are offering for free, and you can search for what you want on the search bar to see if they have what you want.

3. Check Offer Up

This platform allows you to sell and purchase things locally, but it also has a section that deals with free items. On this website, they trade your game console and TVs.

If you want to purchase a new phone; you could visit their website and see if there is anyone who is giving out a free phone.

On this platform, you need to search for what you want thoroughly because things are everywhere, and it can be challenging to see what they are offering.

In case you want to buy a free phone, go to the site and type smartphones, and hit enter. Then you will have to filter the results by low to high prices.

If someone in your area gives out a free phone, the results will be shown. Moreover, you can still get a cheap phone, whether it’s an Apple or an android.

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4. Ask Someone For Their Phone

This is one of the easiest ways to get a free phone. All you need to do is to ask your friend or family member for their phone in case they upgrade theirs and you also want an upgrade.

This is a good way because the other person doesn’t have to throw away their phone or it in the house without any use.

Next time you hear your friend saying they are upgrading their phone and their old phone is in good condition, you can ask them to give you their phone.

5. Look Out For Giveaways

Various phone companies usually have giveaways or through them, you could get a contract phone where you agree on the amount of money you will pay them until you have covered the charges.

Phone companies such as Samsung usually have sales giveaways and all you need to do is visit their page and know when the giveaways are taking place.

6. Ask Your Employer

When you get employed, and your work requires a phone and you don’t have one that fits your job criteria, you could speak to your employee and ask them to buy you a new phone.

Alternatively, if you hear your boss saying they want to buy a new phone and it is an upgrade from the one you have, you can ask them to give you the phone they are doing away with.

You could also tell your employer that your phone has problems and remind them that reaching them is very important.

7. Getting a Call from the Government

If you don’t have the cash to buy a new phone, you could apply for lifeline assistance.

When you do this, you have the chance to get your phone for free and you can also get a wireless coverage plan for free too.

The program that deals with issuing you a free phone are also in charge of your telephone bills. 

Various companies partner with the government to issue you the phones you want, and all you need to do is hope you get the phone you have always wanted.

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8. Ask for a New Phone on Your Birthday

Everyone wants a gift on their birthday to make them feel loved; during this time, you could ask your friend, partner, or siblings to get you a new phone and upgrade from the one you already have.

Wrapping Up

Getting a phone is pretty easy and you might feel like you don’t have the chance to get a phone because you don’t have enough money.