How To Delete AWS Account in 2022- 100% Working 2 Step guide

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How To Delete AWS Account: If you want to get rid of your Amazon Web Services Account (AWS account) without any hassle then read this article on (2 Step Guide) How To Permanently Delete AWS Account Easily at paisahack to get through it.

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About AWS account

AWS Organizations is an AWS account executive administration that allows clients midway to oversee and control gatherings of AWS accounts, and the work processes and approaches that apply to them.

The administration interaction should be possible physically or automatically at the API level. Clients can:

  • Coordinate different AWS administrations with various AWS accounts.
  • Deal with the client’s conditions because of authoritative, legitimate, or project-based approaches.
  • The records can likewise share assets, security systems, review necessities, designs, and approaches between various AWS associations.

In this article, we will give an outline of the AWS Organization Administration and how you can implement it as best practice for your AWS client conditions. Paisahack has got you covered and has some effective methods that will help you to get out of this problem.

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How To Delete AWS Account Easily! – 2 step guide in 2022

We know, how important it is for you to delete your AWS account; Here are a few effective ways to help you make it through.

  • To close an account, you must be signed in as the AWS account root user of the account. If you sign in to an account with an AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) user or role, you can’t close the account.
  • Member accounts created using AWS Organizations by default don’t have a root password. You must reset the root user password for these accounts before you can sign in as the root user.
  • If your account is the payer account of an organization, you must make sure that all member accounts are closed or removed from your organization. For more information, see Removing a member account from your organization.
  • Before you close your AWS account, back up any resources or data that you want to keep. For instructions about how to back up a particular resource, see the AWS documentation for that service.
  • After your account is closed, you can still sign in and file an AWS Support case or contact Support for 90 days.
  • After 90 days, any content remaining in your account will be permanently deleted, and AWS services that aren’t already terminated will be terminated. However, service attributes might be retained as long as necessary for billing and administration purposes. AWS retains your account information as described in the Privacy Notice. You can’t permanently delete your account before 90 days. You can’t reopen the account after 90 days.
    Note: The account resources in AWS China (Beijing) and AWS China (Ningxia) Regions are subject to the policies of operating partners (Sinnet in the Beijing Region and NWCD in the Ningxia Region). Account closure procedures in China might take longer than in other AWS Regions.
  • You can’t create new AWS accounts using the email address that was associated with your account at the time of its closure.
  • For security reasons, AWS Support can’t close an account on your behalf.

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To-do list for How To Delete AWS Account:

Terminate all your resources before closing your account

It’s a best practice to check if you have any active resources and terminate them before you close your account:

  • Open the AWS Billing and Cost Management console, and then choose Bills from the navigation pane. You can see the charges for different services in the Bill details by service section.
  • For each service, confirm the Regions where the services have incurred charges.
    Note: It’s a best practice to check the Bill details by service section for the previous month to identify all services that accrue charges in your account.
  • In the respective service management console, select each Region to terminate all the active resources for that service. For example, if you incur charges for Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) in N. Virginia and Oregon, you must terminate the Amazon S3 resources in both of these Regions. For more information on how to terminate your resources, see How do I terminate active resources that I no longer need on my AWS account?

How To Delete AWS Account: Pay your outstanding bills

View your outstanding bills and be sure that there are no overdue payments:

  • Open the Billing and Cost Management console.
  • Choose Payments in the navigation pane. You can see your overdue payments in the Payments Due section.
  • Choose Verify and pay next to unpaid bills.

How To Delete AWS Account: Close your account

Close your AWS account:

  • Sign in to the AWS Management Console as the root user of the account.
  • From the navigation bar, choose your account name, and then choose My Account.
  • Scroll to the Close Account section.
  • Read and understand the terms of closing your account.
  • Select all checkboxes, and then choose Close Account.
  • In the confirmation box, choose Close Account.

Within a few minutes, you will receive an email confirmation that your account has been closed successfully.

You can choose to sign in to your account three days after closing the account to check if all the resources are terminated. Open the AWS Billing and Cost Management console to monitor whether you continue to incur charges. You can contact AWS Support if you continue to incur charges after terminating all resources.

Note: To close the payer account in an organization, first delete the organization.

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Final Words

These are some of the effective ways that will help you to delete your AWS account. We have provided some of the best ways that can be used when you need to delete your AWS account.

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