How to Make Dead Posts Alive 2025 : 5 Ultimate Ways

Disclosure: Some of the links on this site are affiliate links, meaning that if you click on one of the links and purchase an item, I may receive a commission. All opinions however are my own.

The blogosphere is full of dead posts. Many bloggers post content that’s no longer relevant, but they don’t take the time to delete it. This can be frustrating for readers who are looking for new content and scroll endlessly through old entries until they find something worth reading.

If you want your blog to stay alive, try these tips:    Delete old posts – check your analytics and see which ones get the least views or shares Get more traffic – use social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or Pinterest to tell people about your newest posts

Ask readers what their favorite post was from last year Update past posts with fresh material – think of a way you can make it even better this time around Change up topics every few months.

You may be having a hard time with writer’s block or you’re just not satisfied with your blog content. In order to make dead posts alive, try the following strategies:  – Pick a topic that is trending and relevant to your audience. 

– Use an engaging headline to entice readers into reading further. 

– Write in first person so the post feels more personal and relatable. 

– Create a call to action at the end of your post for readers to take some sort of next step after they’ve read it

– whether it’s signing up for an email list, sharing on social media, or visiting another page on your site that has related content.

What are Dead Posts?

As we continue to make improvements and evolve the program, we want to be fully transparent about changes that may impact your experience! Dead posts are now making their way back into your stream as part of a new feature called “Mark as Favorite”.

The Mark as Favorite (F) button is located below each post and allows you to favorite an individual news story, image or video. This acts as a bookmark of sorts and allows you to quickly access that story later from the Favorites tab.

Mark as Favorite
image credit- Pixabay

You can also view your favorite posts from any other member’s profile by clicking on their name and looking for a purple banner with a red heart – this signifies a Favorite post.

These icons will still show up next to original posts as before, but now you’ll also see them on stories that are saved as favorites.

Favorited posts do not affect the showing of “Recent” content in any way; this will continue to be determined by what is posted within your home stream. Please note that there may be an issue

where original posts containing multiple images show up as multiple comments on your news feed. This appears to be an isolated issue and we are working on a fix now.

In addition to favoriting posts, you can also favorite comments! In the comment menu (where you see “Add as Friend” or “Report Spam”), click the green heart with a plus sign in it and the comment will be saved in your Favorites tab.

These updates reflect comments and comments with links that our moderators deem appropriate for sharing with the community. We ask for your patience as we work to make these improvements across all platforms!

How to Make Dead Posts Alive?

I was reading some posts on an online forum about how to make dead posts alive, and one of the members said something that intrigued me. He said, “Tie the post to something current in pop culture.” 

I’m not sure why I found that idea so interesting all of a sudden, but it did get me thinking about how to use pop culture in tie-ins for my own posts. After all, people love to see their favorite shows, books, games, etc. brought up in other posts to get them interested in reading/commenting. I’ve even seen it work on the forum that post was about (I’m not going to name names because I don’t want to single anyone out). So why not try it myself?

That’s what led me here. A few days ago, my friend and I were talking about the latest episode of Game of Thrones. It’s not a new discussion as we talk about different things each week before/after the show is on (no spoilers, please), but this time it got me thinking: “What if those characters had Tumblr blogs? What would they post?”

Readers who have grown tired of the series will be thinking,“That’s your inspiration?” but those who are still into it (and those who aren’t and think it’s stupid) might ask, “What could they possibly post about?!”

Well first off: I don’t know. I’m not making this up as I go along; the characters just popped into my head when I asked that question.

Secondly: Let’s say Margaery is making fun of Sansa for being so naive. She might post song lyrics on her blog, which could tie in to the next episode or preview or something else people are talking about.

Maybe she’d quote “Let It Go” and use it as an example of how it applies to Sansa’s life. Maybe she’d post a photo of herself in an Elsa costume or something along those lines because Disney is all the rage right now.

Thirdly: I’m not making this up as I go along; this is just one possible idea based off of something that actually exists, like most ideas.

And lastly: If you don’t like my idea, then don’t read it! I’m not writing this to make people mad; I’m doing it for fun because I’ve been told that’s what fanfiction is for; i.e., having fun with an existing story or character(s). So if you’re going to be a dick about it, then leave.

Ways to keep Dead Posts Alive-

From time to time, we create posts that no one reads as they were lost as soon as they’re published. Some of those articles are worth keeping around and here’s how you can do it:

1) You can edit the post by clicking on the EDIT button at the bottom. It will look something like this:

2) This will redirect you to the editor. Now, when you click on the SAVE YOUR CHANGES button, it will become a saved draft. It will look something like this:

3) To publish your changed post, go to the desired section in the Admin Panel and open the My Posts page (you can also create a new post here). Click on the arrow next to the POST TITLE and select the EDIT link as shown in the picture.

4) Now you should be able to see your saved draft, just click the SAVE YOUR CHANGES button as you did before.

5) It will redirect you to the editor where you’ll need to publish your post or save it as a draft again.

5 Ways to Grow a Blog-

  1. Be yourself
  2. Focus on your audience
  3. Write content that is longer, more detailed and more time consuming
  4. Write evergreen content
  5. Repurpose blog posts into different formats.

In the age of social media, blogging is a great way to get your voice heard when you’re not willing or able to go through traditional avenues.  It’s also a great way to give yourself an online presence that’s more than just Facebook and Twitter.

image credit- Pixabay

However, in order for blogging to work for you it has to be done consistently, and it has to be done right.  In this article, I’ll show you the five things you need to do in order to grow your blog from a fledgling idea to a great resource for people around the world.

1. Set Goals

Before setting out on the journey towards growing a successful blog, it’s important that you define some goals.  What do you want to get out of your blog?  Do you just want to earn some extra income on the side, or are you trying to build a business that can support itself and maybe even grow into something more?

Perhaps you’re looking for an outlet where you can share ideas and not worry about whether your voice is being heard as much as you are wanting to be heard. 

It doesn’t matter what your goals are, the important thing is that you clearly define them before proceeding so that you can measure how well your blog is doing later on.

2. Content Is King

Once you’ve defined some goals for your blog, the next step is to start thinking about content.  What are you going to write about?  How often are you going to post?  Who is your target audience, and what do they want or need to hear?

These are all important questions that will contribute in some way to the overall success of your blog.

3. Make it Unique

image credit- Pixabay

As with any type of content you produce, whether it’s a blog or an ebook or something else entirely, your content should be somewhat unique.  While there will always be some people who follow the crowd and do what everyone else is doing, they will likely never rise above mediocrity and remain in obscurity forever.   

Instead, you should do something that will set your content apart from the rest of the pack.

4. Promotion Is Essential

Unless you’re one of those rare individuals who has an audience built right into their platform (for example, a celebrity), then promotion will be required if you want to grow your blog and turn it into something more successful. 

How to Make Dead Posts Alive - promotion
image credit- Pixabay

There are a number of ways to promote your blog, but one of the most effective ones is going to be social media.  If you want readers then you need to go out and find them, or at least make it possible for them to find you by using various forms of promotion that allow them to click through and check you out.  

5. Be Consistent

The best thing you can do for yourself and your blog is to be consistent with your posts and updates.  This isn’t the type of advice that’s going to help you become a successful blogger overnight, but over time this consistency will lead people to take notice and reward you for it if you put in the effort. 

When all is said and done, being consistent may be one of the most difficult tasks you have to complete, but it’s also going to be worth it.

It might feel like a lot of work now, but once you start getting into the groove of things then posting content on your blog will become just as natural as updating your Facebook status or Tweeting. 

How to Make Dead Posts Alive - facebook
image credit- Pixabay

Keep these five tips in mind and you’ll be well on your way to building a successful blog that will stand the test of time.

Quick Links 

Conclusion- How to Make Dead Posts Alive 2025 

A blog post on how to make dead posts alive is a great idea for your company, but it may not be enough. You need to do more than just write about the topic of making old content relevant. It’s important that you think through what makes this specific type of article different from all other blogs in order to get people actually reading and engaging with it.

Dead posts are the bane of social media managers everywhere. With a little patience and creativity, you can breathe new life into these old blog posts so they’re not just sitting on your website collecting dust.

Social Media Manager On-Demand is here to help with our team of experts who work tirelessly to create captivating content for brands across all industries in order to keep their marketing fresh and exciting.

The best way to find a balance between your marketing efforts and product offerings is by creating a cohesive content strategy. Start with an outline of what you want the audience to know about each post, then develop it into something that will be compelling for them.

Jitendra Vaswani

Jitendra Vaswani is the founder of SchemaNinja WordPress Plugin, prior to SchemaNinja he is the founder of big internet marketing blog & Digital Marketing Agency DigiExe. During his more than 6+yrs long expertise in Digital Marketing, Jitendra has been a marketing consultant, trainer, speaker, and author of “Inside A Hustler’s Brain: In Pursuit of Financial Freedom” which has sold over 20,000 copies, worldwide. He has trained 3000+ digital marketing professionals to date and has been conducting Digital marketing workshops across the globe for 5+ yrs. His ultimate goal is to help people build businesses through digitization and make them realize that dreams do come true if you stay driven. Check out his newly acquired websites Imagestation, and Newsmartwave

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