Internet Connection Keeps Dropping and Reconnecting : Why and How to Fix | [Solved]

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In this article we are going to talk about internet connection keeps dropping and reconnecting and the way to fix it .

You may experience repeated disconnection and reconnection to the Internet because of issues with the Internet. There are many potential causes.

Here are a few of the most common ways to resolve the problem.


To test whether there is a connection or computer issue, use another computer, smartphone, or tablet that uses the same Internet connection.

The problem exists on all devices on your network if your cable modem, DSL modem, router, or internet service provider are to blame.

Computers that disconnect and reconnect only occasionally probably have a problem.

Quick Fixes for Internet Connection Keeps Dropping And Reconnecting :

Here are some of the quick fixes for internet connection dropping and reconnecting:

1. Cable or DSL Modem

You may be able to fix the issue by power cycling the cable modem or it may be overheating if the cable modem is having trouble maintaining a steady connection.

  • The modem needs to be restarted
  • Please turn off your computer first.

Connect the power cord to the back of the modem and then turn off the cable modem. Then plug it back into the modem after leaving it unplugged for at least ten seconds.

Modem - Internet Connection Keeps Dropping and Reconnecting

During the self-checks and reconnections, the cable modem takes a few minutes to run through all its checks. On the front of the modem, you can see a light indicating Internet connectivity.

You can turn your computer on once the router is illuminated.


It is possible that other devices connected to the router may disconnect from the network if you did not unplug the router before unplugging the modem.

When you restart the modem, you may also lose your wireless connection.

Check to see if your computer’s Internet connection is stable.

Check if the modem is overheating

Check the cable modem for heat if the Internet connection is still unstable. The Internet connection may become unstable when a modem overheats.

You can try turning it on and testing the connection after letting it cool down. Alternatively, you may need to replace the cable modem if the connection is more stable.

2. Wired/Wireless router

Unplug the power cord from the router if you haven’t reset your router yet. Plug in the power cord again after waiting at least 10 seconds.

On the router’s front, wait until the indicator lights stop blinking.

Router - Internet Connection Keeps Dropping and Reconnecting

A blinking light indicates that the router is conducting self-checks and is trying to connect to the Internet. Once your computer is on, turn it on.

Make sure your computer has a stable Internet connection.

3. Network Issues On The ISP Side

If the Internet connection on your computer is still unstable, you may want to check with your ISP (Internet service provider).

In order to determine if there are any problems between your computer and your ISP, the technical support of the ISP can perform system and line checks. If possible, the technical support of the ISP can offer other solutions.

Before you try the following steps, contact your Internet service provider to make sure the problem is not with them.

Continue with the steps below if your other devices are working properly on your network.

4. Network Card

Keeping your Internet connection stable might also be a problem with the network card in your computer. You can fix it by doing one of two things.

Network Card - Internet Connection Keeps Dropping and Reconnecting

Reinstall network card drivers

Another way to fix the problem is to delete the network card from your computer’s device manager. The network card and its drivers will need to be reinstalled if you restart the computer.

Various network card issues (corruption) can sometimes be fixed by reinstalling the network card.

How To Remove A Device In Windows Device Manager?

Check your Internet connection after Windows has rebooted and the device has been reinstalled.

1. Update network card drivers

Please check the manufacturer’s website of the network card, or the computer manufacturer’s website, and see if the network card has updated device drivers.

You can download and install the drivers if they are available. Check the Internet connection again once the updated drivers have been installed and the computer has been restarted.

2. Reseat the network card

You can try reseating the network card on your desktop computer if it is an expansion card. If you are comfortable opening the computer, turn it off, remove the network card, and unplug the power cord.


Network cards are typically built into desktop motherboards (onboard). It is not possible to remove them.

How do I remove an expansion card from my computer?

Remove the network card from the PCI slot and insert it back into it, making sure it’s firmly seated. Reconnect the power cord and restart the computer by closing the case and plugging it in.

Ensure that your computer has a stable Internet connection.

Corrupt Windows system files

Windows can sometimes experience connectivity problems if system files are corrupted. You can restore Windows back to a point before the problem started to occur if your connectivity issues started recently.

When a previous point is restored, the corrupted files are replaced with good, non-corrupted ones. Typically, restoring the files will resolve Internet connectivity issues caused by corrupt files.

Restoring Windows to a previous version

The Internet may become unstable after a recent Windows update was installed on your computer.

There are some Windows updates that can interfere with other software on your computer or even affect your Internet connection.

Restoring Windows to a previous point before the Windows update was installed often fixes Internet connectivity issues after a Windows update was installed.

Additionally, you might want to check for the latest Windows updates, since some Microsoft updates might have caused issues.


Connectivity issues can be caused by a virus or malware infection.

Depending on the severity of the infection, the Internet connection can become unstable or stop working completely.

Stabilizing the Internet connection requires removing the virus or spyware from the computer.

How do I remove a virus and malware from my computer?

Many antivirus programs have built-in security features that could disrupt Internet connections.

To find out which settings are active in the antivirus program, examine the security settings.

Check whether any of the settings have an effect on the Internet connection by disabling each one.

Check with the antivirus software manufacturer if you find a setting that is causing an unstable connection. Make sure those settings are absolutely necessary to protect your computer.

If they are not, disable them.

Even after the above fixes, if your Internet connection is still unstable, then you must:

Your Cable/DSL modem, wired/wireless router, or network card may be defective even after trying all the suggestions above.

To determine if any of these devices are causing the problem, you might consider getting a new modem, router, or network card.

Quick Links :

Conclusion: Internet Connection Keeps Dropping and Reconnecting

An internet that keeps dropping might be aggravating, especially if you work from home.

Finding the specific source of an internet problem can take some effort, but once you do, you can swiftly troubleshoot to restore a reliable internet connection for an uninterrupted experience.

This tutorial should assist you in determining why your Internet connection keeps dropping and reconnecting, as well as what you can do to resolve the issue.