If you think that you can generate regular passive income from setting-up up websites, you might be right. A good idea in this direction would be to build niche content websites. The process is relatively easy.
- Do research about those niches which are not being serviced well at present.
- Next, build a website targeting content to your niche.
- Attach some popular ad programs like AdSense, Affilorama, etc.
- Now, just sit back and watch your content website make a few dollars each day.
So, what is the science behind it? How does a niche content website make decent money? Actually, it makes just enough. If your luck is running, your site can make $2-$3/day easily. You can build such similar niche websites and thus, multiply your earnings.
At the end of a calendar year, if you have done enough research and put in the adequate effort, you would have built at least 50 content sites.
Now, if a single site generates an average of $2 a day, your total earnings would be $104/day approx or $ 38000/year approx. Isn’t that great? All you need to do is to tap a niche segment and provide it with proper content.
How to make this technique work in your favor?
First of all, you should be confident enough to successfully create good search engine traffic for the niches you choose. The continuous income can only be generated when visitors searching for content land on and click your ads.
In reality, the visitors who arrive randomly are healthier ad clickers as compared to your loyal readers. This makes your technique work. Random visitors once arrive at the site, read content, click on an ad and usually never come back. However, the loyal visitors return again and expect new content and in the process disabling the ads.
It is not a viable thing to create a repetitive audience from your niche sites. Also, try to include only that content that is useful for your target niche as writing content for those about whom you do not know much, can be tricky.
7 Best Ways To Make Money From Blog:
Let us now see the best 7 ways to make money from your blog:
1. Discover a Niche
First, you have to discover niches where traffic is available. You can use the Semrush keyword analysis tool to know exactly the amount of searches done for specific key phrases.
Avoid keywords that are faced with tough competition, try to find those which have comparatively less traffic.
An effective method to find topics that people are searching for is Pay-Per-Click marketing and some other online advertising ways. The purpose of your niche content website is to bridge the gap between the online searchers and advertisers and you receive the commission for it.
2. Search for Competition
After finding a few niches that seem to have potential, do a search on key phrases and observe the results.
If a website that shows up is poorly optimized, and you consider that your website could quickly jump higher than that say in a few months, then you have found a good candidate for a niche content site.
3. Manufacture a Site
WordPress is a superb tool to run your niche website. WordPress is a blog content management framework that uses PHP/MySQL as its base.
It is very easy to install, manages most of your search engine optimization and the only thing you need to do is push in the content and it manages the rest.
4. Conventional web advertisement space
You can try to sell separate advertisement blocks on your niche website to brands wanting to reach out to your target market and regular readers through buy-sell ads.
Remember to make a deal with only those brands, with whom you can make a profitable relationship. It is because every business likes to invest wisely and wants their money’s worth. Keeping your advertisers happy is vital for you.
5. Product-specific affiliate programs
You can make money from your blog if people buy services and products related to your site which have joint affiliate programs. There are three main ways to find such programs:
- If you are familiar with a few blog owners who also want to sell services or products, they may offer you an affiliate program that you can discover on their website.
- If you know of other larger companies that sell digital products, or services, and physical goods and also own an affiliate program, then make a list of all their products and services which you use frequently. Then research to find if such companies run an affiliate program that can be used to generate income.
- Or, you can join affiliate programs of several companies and collect payouts from each of them.
6. Affiliate hybrid programs
Associate/Affiliate hybrids are somewhat different in terms of earning potential for you than other product-related member programs.
These types of affiliate programs offer you a small incentive for any product bought when someone comes on your blog through a link.
7. Membership programs/sites
You should make a program or a website that asks for a monthly or half-yearly fee to use it. The site should contain content, information, courses, etc. that are only accessible to subscribers.
You can either incorporate membership programs/sites into your blog, accessible through a username and password, or can create them on distinct domains.
Examples of some popular membership sites are Fizzle, Skillshare, Food Blogger Pro, Copyblogger Authority, etc.
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Final Tips- Make Money With Blog In 2025
I would like to advocate the thought that keeping multiple streams of income in place is always handy. It is because it doesn’t take much time for things to change.
Like, Google comes up with an update as to how its search engine proceeds to rate the websites very often.
It also has been quoted very rightly that putting all the eggs in a single basket isn’t the correct thing to do. Remember, that this principle applies to the blog management techniques that we have just discussed.
What is being implied here is that no blogger should rely only on one method to improve and maintain search engine optimization.
And, what is hidden in this statement is that even if your superior content always makes your site rank high on major search engines, still diversification should not be avoided.
For example, if you own a lower traffic blog, you just can’t rely on those features that need high traffic.
Let us know how helpful this post was for you? Do you have any other tips related to making money from a blog that is worth reading? Kindly share your feedback below in the comment area section.