Bonehead SEO Mistakes That Impact The Website Rank 2025

Disclosure: Some of the links on this site are affiliate links, meaning that if you click on one of the links and purchase an item, I may receive a commission. All opinions however are my own.

SEO is a constantly-evolving field, and with the recent changes to Google’s algorithm, it can be difficult to know what practices will positively or negatively impact your website rank.

These five mistakes are common in many different kinds of websites, and they’re often very easy for webmasters to miss. The good news is that if you make these errors on your own website, there are ways to fix them.

While SEO isn’t an exact science (and there’s no guarantee that making the following changes will boost your rankings), they certainly won’t hurt! 

The audience is any person who wants tips on how not to fail at their blog post; this includes people who own blogs.

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is a process of improving the visibility of a website in search engines. It’s not always easy to improve the rank, but there are some simple design changes that can be made to help get your site on track.

If you want to learn what mistakes designers make when designing websites, keep reading! These are just some examples I have come across while working with clients and will hopefully give you an insight into common SEO issues that could impact your site’s page rank if not dealt with correctly. 

The web is a huge place and it can be difficult to get your site noticed among the millions of others out there. It’s important to have a good website design that engages your audience and makes them want to stick around.

There are some bad mistakes you can make, though, that hurt your ranking on search engines like Google or Yahoo! Here are 3 common mistakes that people make when designing sites: 

Writing an engaging blog post intro paragraph may seem simple enough but there are actually many ways in which this small introduction could go wrong if not done correctly. One mistake people often make is going straight into talking about what they will be discussing without grabbing their readers’.

Bonehead SEO Mistakes.-

SEO is the best and most effective way of marketing that can get you lots of traffic on your website.

Fine, if you want to know about SEO then I will ask you to find proper information from the internet because I am not writing any article related to it; however; if your Website is already optimized nicely and making a good impression on search engines and still your website is not getting the traffic you want then here we come to tell you about Bonehead SEO Mistakes.

Here Is The List Of the 10 Biggest Bonehead Wrongdoings In The World Of Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Bonehead # 1: Ignoring Site Usability

A successful site is easy and convenient for visitors. This means your site’s page should be properly designed and navigated, and vital information must be presented clearly on each page of your website.

Bonehead # 2: Ignoring Keywords In Meta Tags

I am quite sure that you know about meta tags, but perhaps you don’t know how important they are to SEO. Meta tags are the hidden headlines on your website that tell search engine crawlers what your site is all about.

This section tells you which keywords will drive traffic to your site and which ones won’t be so effective.

Bonehead # 3: Ignoring Title Tag Contents

The title tag is another essential part of meta-tagging. Title tags are like headlines on your website that tell potential visitors what the site is all about and also act as clickable links to other pages on your site.

Bonehead # 4: Ignoring Site Map (Or Not Having One)

The sitemap is a list of links that tells search engines about all the pages on your site. The more links that are included in your sitemap, the higher your page ranking.

Bonehead # 5: Failing to Add Links to Site Map

While adding a link to your site map is essential if you want search engines like Google and Yahoo! to find and rank relevant content, you must understand that you should only add links to the pages that are relevant to your site. This means you shouldn’t link to irrelevant pages, like an about page or sales page.

This is because search engines will not rank all of the links on your site map. Instead, they will only rank links to relevant pages which help users with their search.

Bonehead # 6: Not Linking to Key Pages From Main Content

It’s simple. You have got to provide relevant links from your content if you want people to see them. This is one of the most important SEO tips, but it’s also very easy to ignore. However, by not providing related links consumers are unable to find the information they want.


Bonehead # 7: Not Mentioning Other Sites in Content

If you’re creating content for your site, you need to mention other relevant sites, but only if it makes sense. Adding links and mentioning sites can be beneficial to both of you – after all, if one of those sites has a high ranking, then your site will also get a higher ranking due to the link.

Bonehead # 8: Not Linking Within Your Content (Or At All)

If you’ve got relevant content on your site but no links pointing back to other relevant pages, search engines will not be able to find and rank the important information. If users cannot click on links to visit another site, then your site will not get the traffic you want.

Bonehead # 9: Not Creating an RSS Feed or XML Site Map

These are essential for any website that wants search engines like Google and Yahoo! to find content relevant to keywords on their site. While it’s possible that a well-optimized site might still be ranked without an XML site map, you should still create one if you can. This is because it is extremely easy to do.

Bonehead # 10: Not Using Video on Your Site (Or Making It Too Small)

This may seem like another good reason to get your site optimized for video. Search engines love videos! However, most of the time, videos are hosted on sites like YouTube.

If you want to get your video ranked and shared you must host it on your site and embed it into a page that’s relevant to your site.

Impact the Website Rank has on SEO Designing-

It is a well-known fact that Google has become one of the most important ways to search for information and data. Whether it’s news, personal blogs or online stores, they all rely heavily on the number of visitors that visit their site and especially search engines.

In short, the higher your site ranks on search engines, the more likely you are to be visited by a larger audience and have a better chance of sales. In order to reach the first place in Google, many companies will try hard to improve their rankings or even resort to black hat SEO techniques that may harm them in the future.

 SEO Mistakes That you can Commit when Designing the Web Application-

SEO is one of the biggest concerns for domain investors. It concerns real estate agents, because anything they do in their business could impact Google search results. This article will give you some examples about SEO mistakes that you can commit when designing the web application.

1- Not Having a Site Map:

A site map is very important in seo. Sitemaps help search engine crawlers to have quick access to any page on your website. In fact, it is what helps them crawl as fast as possible, and hence save time in indexing your website.

You can create a sitemap using different tools available online for free or via paid subscriptions. It is now necessary to have a site map in place because search engines have been using it for a long period.

2- Not Having a Complete Robots.txt:

This is one of the mistakes that you can commit if you deal with SEO issues. This file helps crawlers to know where they can crawl and where they should not, without being restricted by any file on your server. Making changes to your robots.txt will help improve your site SEO, as crawlers can now reach more pages on your website.

3-Not having a sitemap generator tool:

Having this tool is essential because it helps crawlers to have quick access to all pages of your website. The advantage of using these tools is that you are provided with the code to insert on your website, which is for free.

4- Not Having a Robots Instruction file:

A robots instruction file can help crawlers to know how they should crawl each of your site pages. It also helps explain if there are some parts of your site that need no crawling or indexing. It also helps explain who is the owner of your site and who to contact in case of crawling issues.

5- Not Adding Keywords:

Adding keywords is often overlooked by webmasters or website designers. It does not matter if you have a long tail keyword for a page, with an appropriate density , it will help crawlers determine the topic of a page and its relevance to a search.

Bonehead SEO Mistakes That Impact The Website Rank - Keywords
image credit- Pixabay

6- Not having a Blog for Your Website:

When you have a blog on your site, it helps crawlers understand the topics that you cover, as well as their frequency. In fact, blogs are written by humans, which means that they can contain targeted keywords naturally. It is therefore recommended to have a blog on your site.

Bonehead SEO Mistakes That Impact The Website Rank - blog
image credit- Pixabay

Quick Links 

Conclusion- Bonehead SEO Mistakes That Impact The Website Rank 2025

Ah, the internet. Where you can find anything and everything on just about any topic imaginable with a few keystrokes or taps of your finger. But what if it’s not so easy to get access to the information you need?

What if there are some sites that don’t rank as highly in search engines because they employ boneheaded SEO design mistakes? That’s where we come in! Here at Breeze Web Marketing, our team is made up of experts who know how best to optimize your site for higher rankings (and more sales).

We offer comprehensive solutions tailored specifically to each client, ensuring that their website will show up prominently when customers do searches related to their niche industry. 

So, what are the most common mistakes that people make when designing their website? Well, first of all, let’s talk about choosing a domain name.

If you don’t have your own personal brand or company’s name as part of it- there is no reason to use anything other than .com for your URL. This makes it easy for search engines and users alike to find you online!

Secondly, remember not to mix up different fonts on one page because this can confuse readers who are looking at the text from afar. Thirdly, clear out any old content that doesn’t give an accurate representation of your organization or business model. And lastly if you’re going with images in place of words- be sure they look good.

Jitendra Vaswani

Jitendra Vaswani is the founder of SchemaNinja WordPress Plugin, prior to SchemaNinja he is the founder of big internet marketing blog & Digital Marketing Agency DigiExe. During his more than 6+yrs long expertise in Digital Marketing, Jitendra has been a marketing consultant, trainer, speaker, and author of “Inside A Hustler’s Brain: In Pursuit of Financial Freedom” which has sold over 20,000 copies, worldwide. He has trained 3000+ digital marketing professionals to date and has been conducting Digital marketing workshops across the globe for 5+ yrs. His ultimate goal is to help people build businesses through digitization and make them realize that dreams do come true if you stay driven. Check out his newly acquired websites Imagestation, and Newsmartwave

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