The Number You Have Dialed Is Unallocated 2025: How? (Don’t Do This) Causes, Working & Fixes

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In this post you are going to know about, The Number You Have Dialed Is Unallocated, read this.

Calling a number you have frequently called but getting the message that the number you called is unallocated? When trying to call your number, do your callers receive the call intercept message?

There are undoubtedly a couple of things that may result in this situation, and there are certainly a few things that you can do to remedy it.

While it may be a problem with the recipient’s phone, it might also involve the caller’s phone, too. I suggest a few things both the recipient and the caller can do to fix the ‘unallocated number’ message. Check out these solutions.

The Number You Have Dialed Is Unallocated: Causes, Working Fixes

According to the more technical explanation, “the number you have dialed is unallocated” refers to the number not being allocated to a provider or to an end-user.

Dialing a Number - The Number You Have Dialed Is Unallocated

Generally, a number administrator is in charge of generating telephone numbers, which are then handed over to a provider so that they can be provided to users.

1. Wrong Number

The reason for the “the number you are dialing is unallocated” message is obvious. If there is one number missing, or if it has been swapped, then it is impossible to call that number. It is likely that someone gave you a mistaken number if you got it from them.

2. Spoofed Number

The call intercept message “the number you have dialed is unallocated” indicates that you are calling a spoofed phone number, especially if you weren’t available when you were called.

A spoofed number is a phony telephone number that is used as a spam number, telemarketer number, robocall number, or scammer number. The caller appears as if it is a real number, so people are more likely to answer them. Therefore, you do not need to engage with them or worry about them.

3. Unpaid Phone Bills

Both you and the recipient will receive “this number is not allocated” messages if neither of you or the recipient has paid your phone bills. You would want to make sure you’re up to date with your payments if you are getting intercept messages.

4. Temporary Network Issues

In case you repeatedly call a number and it says the number is not available when you call, it is likely a glitch on the part of the network provider.

I have received something similar to this even when I called less than 20 minutes before trying to reach the recipient. After waiting a while, I called the number again, and it connected without a hitch.

Fix 1: Contact Support

Firstly, if you are the one receiving the call intercept message, we recommend that you contact your network provider. If you have paid your phone bills but still can’t receive calls, then there might be some glitches on the carrier’s end, which they should be able to fix.

Fix 2: Delete and Read Number

It is likely that you have made a mistake in the number you dialed if you have been able to call the number in the past. If it goes through, delete the number from your phone and dial it again on your phone without saving it. Users sometimes mistakenly add, remove, or swap their saved phone numbers.

Fix 3: Make sure your Google Voice Settings are Correct

You might be receiving the “number you are dialing is not assigned” message from Google Voice. Here is a fix that works.

The Google Voice account recovery page lets you see if you have any messages from Google after you have logged in with your number and confirmed that the carrier reported is correct.

You should also visit Google Voice’s recovery page and enter your phone number, to see if you get any messages from Google.

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Final Words: The Number You Have Dialed Is Unallocated

As a result of my research, I found that the call intercept message that says “the number you have dialed is unallocated” can be extremely frustrating, especially if it appears even when no calls are occurring.

What should we do about this, and why does it happen? Here are some possible solutions, though they may not be easy to implement on your service provider’s end:

1) Disable notifications for all apps (this will also disable any push notifications);

2) Check your settings for incoming calls;

3) Modify notifications in general;

4) Update the operating system and software on the device. It may work for you if you follow these steps! Let me know how things go by leaving a comment below.