Killer Tips To Increase Blog Revenue With Facebook Traffic

Disclosure: Some of the links on this site are affiliate links, meaning that if you click on one of the links and purchase an item, I may receive a commission. All opinions however are my own.

Since Facebook is a social media platform that many people use on a daily basis, it’s important to know how to utilize the site as a marketing tool. In this post, we’re going to cover some killer tips for increasing blog revenue with Facebook traffic.

We’ll provide tips on writing engaging posts, identifying your niche audience and using targeted ads as well as strategies for getting more likes and followers from those who don’t follow you already. These are all proven methods of generating revenue through Facebook traffic.

If you’re looking to increase blog traffic, the first place you look is Facebook. One of the most important aspects about using Facebook for your blog is that it’s a social network, so when potential readers see your posts in their newsfeeds they are more likely to click on them because they know there will be something interesting in there for them.  

But what makes Facebook pages different from other social media accounts? The answer lies in how people react to content on the site and how much time they spend scrolling through their feed.

One of the best ways to do that is through Facebook traffic. This article will highlight some tips that can help you get more visitors on your site. 

It’s easy to forget about blogging if it feels like a chore or doesn’t seem to be bringing in much money. But, there are certain things you can do to keep up with it and make sure it’s profitable for your business! For example, one way is by getting more people on your site through social media sites like Facebook. 

This post includes killer tips for increasing blog revenue with Facebook traffic so that you don’t have any excuse not to continue blogging.

Secret Tips to Increase Blog Revenue through Facebook Traffic-

Using Facebook as your marketing tool can help you increase the revenue and customer base of your blog. The only thing that should be kept in mind is to not use it as a single platform for all your marketing efforts.

If you want to drive huge amounts of traffic to your website, there are ways that you can do it. There are many different strategies for driving traffic, but one thing that is often overlooked by many people is the power of Facebook.

When people think about generating traffic through social media sites like Twitter and Facebook, they don’t always think about Facebook when it comes to driving traffic.

This is a mistake that you don’t want to make, because Facebook offers some great opportunities when it comes to generating traffic. One of the best things about Facebook is that there are millions upon millions of users on this site each and every day. There are enough people on this site so that if you can tap into those users, you can generate a ton of traffic.

If you want to drive traffic from Facebook, there are three things that you should be doing on this site if you really want to take advantage of the potential benefits it has for driving traffic.

The first thing that is important with regards to using Facebook effectively is being an active participant in the community. There are many individuals who will join Facebook and then do nothing with it, but you can’t afford to be this type of person if you want to make the most out of your time on this site.

You need to actively manage your profile each and every day. This means that you need to post status updates, send messages, write on people’s walls and link to your blog posts where appropriate.

The next thing that you need to do when it comes to driving traffic from Facebook is encouraging others to re-share your content. If you want people on this site to help spread the word about your blog or any other type of website, you need to make it easy for them to do it. You can encourage them by using the “Share” button that is on each of your posts.

If you want people on Facebook to help share what you write on this site, then make sure that they know about these features by regularly posting links to your blog where appropriate.

The last thing that you need to do when it comes to driving traffic from Facebook is to use the site’s advertising opportunities. You can place ads on this site that will appear in people’s feeds, and if they click them then you have a chance of being able to get them to visit your website.

Many different types of companies advertise on Facebook, so if you want a chance at getting more traffic on your website, this is definitely one of the best places that you can go on the web.

I’ll reveal some important tips to maximize blog revenue 

1.How to Create a Profile on Facebook?

A Facebook profile is a collection of information about a person using Facebook, including their friends and pokes.

Nowadays the world lives on social networking websites. In this era almost all people use facebook as one of most popular social media platforms to make connections with people they know or don’t know at all. We can create our own page on facebook to leave our comments and share with others.

To create a facebook profile is very easy and effective. You can do it by following these steps:

Step 1: Go to Click on the “Sign Up” button or directly type the given URL in your browser address bar, this will take you to the Facebook sign up page.

Step 2: Get the username of your choice by clicking on the “Get a username” link under “Account Type” heading.

Step 3: Fill out the form with your details, answer all the questions asked by Facebook to proceed further. After filling all the information click on the ‘Create My Account’ button.

Step 4: Once your account is created go to the “security” option, on the left side menu bar. Enter your email address and click on the “Set Password” button. Note: You need to provide an email address which you have access to use.

Step 5: Validate your account by entering the password sent on your email id in the security page. After validating your account now you are able to login with your email id and password.

Now you have successfully created your Facebook profile, enjoy using one of the most popular social networking websites.

2. Join Facebook Groups-

Step 1: On your facebook search bar, type ‘ Facebook Groups ‘.

Step 2: A tab will appear with top 5 groups. Click on the group you prefer to join.

Step 3: The group’s page opens up. Scroll down to see if they have listed their requirements for joining their group in the description.

Step 4: If the group has requested that you should have a profile picture, Profile link and last name filled up, proceed to fill them up. Else, go back to Step 3

Step 5: Click continue once all details are filled.

Step 6: You are now in! The group page will have a green tick in the name to indicate that you have joined successfully.

Step 7: You can now comment, post or upload pictures to your group by clicking on the 3 dots beside the search bar. This only works when you are in a particular group page.

3. Start Interaction Among People-

  1. Post an image with link

There are two methods for this; the first is [link] [link] [POST IMAGE SIZE] [LINK TEXT]. You can post the image below or at a site like . The second method is to upload the image on your profile, click it, then choose “share” and write whatever you want in the text box of sharing

  1. Post link with caption

You can do this by copying the url of your desired article on facebook, pasting it in notepad, adding an image to the url and saving the file as .jpg. Below is an example of how it would look like when posted

  1. Post previous status

This method requires you to post a message that your friends will find interesting, after which you can transfer it into an article by copy/paste. Here is an example

  1. Post status with link

This method requires you to post a message that your friends will find interesting, after which you can transfer it into an article by copy/paste. Here is an example

  1. Last seen trick for Facebook chat

When someone logs in through facebook, their last seen time automatically changes to the current time. This is a glitch in facebook chat and if someone did it to you, you can do it for them by going to your chat settings under the options button of your profile picture then clicking ‘seen’.


4. Create a Facebook Page-

The first thing you need to do is login into your Facebook account, then click on the “Create a Page” button on the right side of your toolbar. This will take you to the page creation wizard which will guide you through all the steps necessary to create a new Page.

First, you have to choose what type of page you want.

  1. Local Business or Place – This is for any physical, brick and mortar business with a local scope. A few examples might be “Buca di Beppo New York” or “Coney Island.”
  2. Brand or Product- This is for any company that has a product to sell. An example would be Red Bull
  3. Company, Organization or Institution- This is for any company that has multiple outlets, subsidiaries or other properties. For example, NBC could have its main page as well as one for each local affiliate.
  4. Artist, Band or Public Figure – An actor, musician or athlete would use this option to create a Page about themselves.
  5. Cause or Community – This is for a non-profit organization, cause, school fundraiser or community group.

You can also search for Pages that are similar to yours if you aren’t sure which type of Page fits your business best.


5.Facebook Advertisement

6.Share Content Links

7.Update Regularly


The best thing about these strategies is that they are all based on the one fundamental principle of marketing – understanding your customer. When you know what resonates with them, it becomes a lot easier to confidently market your product or service and generate more sales. If there’s any doubt in what we’re saying, take a look at our blog post conclusion paragraph for some KILLER TIPS TO INCREASE BLOG REVENUE WITH FACEBOOK TRAFFIC.

You might be wondering how to get more traffic and blog revenue with Facebook. It’s simple! The best way is by using them together. When you publish a post on your personal profile, it will show up in the newsfeed of all of your followers who have liked or followed that page. This can generate an increase in views for your content without even having to do anything else! Keep this strategy handy so when you want to get some extra attention from new readers, remember these tips and share away.