If you’re a blogger and your main goal is to make money from your site, then this blog post is for you! There are several ways that moms can boost their website income. Some of these include advertising on other mommy blogs, promoting affiliate products, hosting giveaways and contests, selling ad space on your own site, and creating sponsored posts.
A mommy blogger is a parent who has turned their love of writing and sharing stories about parenting into a blog.
This type of blogging can be incredibly rewarding as it allows you to share your experiences with other parents, gain followers, and build relationships with people from all over the world. With so many benefits associated with being a mommy blogger, there are also some financial challenges that come along too.
The mommy blogging community is a great place to find inspiration, tips and tricks for blogging. However, many of these bloggers are looking to make an income off their blog posts in order to support themselves or their families. If you’re wondering how you can start making money off your blog posts too – keep on reading!
Here are Five ways Mommy Bloggers can Boost Their Website Income:
1) Promote affiliate links on your site
2) Sell advertising space
3) Write sponsored content
4) Host giveaways
5) Monetize with adsense
1) Promote affiliate links on your site-
I hope you’ve been enjoying my blog posts on Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and link building. This is a follow up to my last post, where I explained how to create the perfect anchor text for your backlinks and increase your search engine rankings.
Affiliate marketing is where you promote someone else’s products or services and receive a commission for every sale made through your website. It’s free for customers, as they don’t even need to enter their payment details. Sign up now for Amazon Associates here.
The most popular affiliate schemes are Amazon’s Associate Program, Commission Junction, and LinkShare. There are numerous other ones out there – eg this one is for Adidas.
2) Sell advertising space-
– You could sell monthly advertising space. For example, if someone wanted to promote their website(s) on your site, they would pay you $100 per month and their promotions would be placed on your site.
– You could sell adverts related to your niche/products. For example, if you are a therapist who also sells products online, why not promote other therapists’ products on your blog? If someone was looking for a therapist in the local area, they may be interested in what you have to offer.
– You could sell adverts related to your niche but not necessarily on your blog. For example, if someone wants to promote their product online and they are looking for an advertising company/website, they may type “online advertising” into Google.
If you sell your own product online, why not buy advertising space on the first page of Google for that particular search term?
– You could sell one off adverts. It can be as simple as someone wanting to promote their website/product on Facebook etc. They would pay you a fee and they are entitled to post what they want where they want.
3) Write sponsored content-
With social media and blogging becoming commonplace, and the increasing focus on customer loyalty and brand advocacy within corporations, companies are looking for new ways to improve their web presence.
Not only do they want to make sure that there is a continual flow of content from both employees and customers, but they also need to find a way to distribute the right information in a manner that will increase conversions and sales.
By sponsoring blogging content, companies are able to target specific demographics in a timely manner. This not only increases their exposure but also gives them much more control over what gets published on various blogs.
It’s the best way for businesses to stay up-to-date on new trends and topics that may be relevant to them.
A sponsored blog post appears just like any other blog, except it is indicated with a tagline or symbol that reads “Sponsored By” in the spot where the author information would normally appear. This can be done either through a third-party service or directly through a blogging platform.
4) Host Giveaways
A host giveaway is a special kind of contest hosted for the purpose of promoting other content, usually other channels.
Many great hosts choose to do this as it can be an effective way to bring viewers to their channel. It’s also a good way to get backlinks from popular websites, which helps increase your Google search rankings and improves your searchability.
There are very few rules in this kind of contest, so you have much more flexibility in comparison to traditional sweepstake contests. You can pick your own prizes that match with your audience’s preferences.
This may be something like ‘Best Video’ or ‘Most Creative Submission’. The prize itself doesn’t matter so much as long as it’s relevant to your audience.
This type of contest is usually best for large channels, because smaller ones may not be able to afford the necessary prizes or get enough submissions to really stand out among other contests.
The reason why many hosts choose this route is that they get commission directly from the hosting website, but commission rates vary wildly. Some charge only 5% while others are up to 75%. The commission rate is an important factor to consider, especially if you want to make this kind of contest a frequent thing.
5) Monetize with Adsense
I personally use Google’s Adsense program to make money with my blog. It has pretty decent payouts, the requirements are reasonable, and you can make some decent money if you have a lot of traffic. I believe other companies offer similar services, but I don’t know anything about them.
The main requirements for Adsense are that you must have traffic (they check your stats), and the ads must be relevant to what you write about. If you violate either of these rules you can be banned from making money with Adsense, so please make sure you understand the rules.
The first thing to do is sign up for Adsense once you’ve read through their terms. You need to submit your website (or blog) before they will approve you, which isn’t all that hard even if your site is entirely in Japanese.
Once you have a registered account they will send you instructions by email on how to add the code to your site. Follow their instructions and make sure you’ve added it correctly, then sit back and wait a few days for them to review your site.
Explain the term Mommy Bloggers
Mommy bloggers are a collective of women who, either through their blog or via social media, share their thoughts on the daily aspects of raising children. Often this includes information about parenting or parenting products.
The term is sometimes used in a derogatory manner to indicate that all mommy bloggers are only interested in talking about their kids and not anything else.
In some cases, mommy bloggers have even been accused of being a “narcissistic” community.
In reality, not all mommy bloggers fit those exact criteria. Some are interested in parenting and parenting products, while others use their blog to share information on non-parenting topics like technology or movies.
The term “mommy blogger” is non-gender specific and could include any blogger who writes about their children or parenting.
Two of the most identifiable mommy bloggers in America are Jessica Alba and Gwenyth Paltrow, two women with very different backgrounds and lifestyles.
Quick Links
- Essential Elements Of Blog You Must Not Miss As Beginners
- Blogging Tip: How to Write Great Blog Content
- How to get subscribers on snapchat
Conclusion- Ways Mommy Bloggers Can Boost Their Website Income 2025
Mommy bloggers are often the ones with the most time to spend on their blogs. They also have a lot of passion for what they do. It’s this dedication that can lead them to make more money from their blog than other types of bloggers!
Here are 5 ways mommy bloggers can boost their website income and get ahead in an increasingly competitive niche space. Blogging is not easy, but if you want success your attitude needs to be right!
Mommy Bloggers are always looking for new ways to grow their blogs and revenue. They’re using strategies like working with brands, collaborating on sponsored posts, joining affiliate programs or even creating products of their own.
The key is not being afraid to experiment- the right strategy might be just around the corner! Have you tried any of these methods? Check out this blog post for more information about how mom bloggers can boost their website income.