What does “NSFW” mean and how do you use it?

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Do you want to know what does NSFW means and how do you use it? then do not worry because in today’s article i will tell you about what does “NSFW” means, and how and when do you use it?

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What NSFW Means?

what is nsfw?
what is NSFW? Full form of NSFW?

NSFW stands for not safe for work. NSFW is a warning that shows you page, video, image or web is not safe to use or contains wrong content.  Whenever you see this word don’t open the file, video, image, or any web because that contains harmful content and that content is not useful for you.

NSFW used to protect you from any kind of the wrong word. It’s often used as a warning label for violent, offensive, or even politically charged content. Despite its meaning is not safe for work it protects you to enter in wrong content.

You will see these words in the youtube videos title, in the header of an email, or before an outgoing link on a website or news article. In some case, NSFW also protects you to enter a web that makes you uncomfortable or that page contains information related to war.

In some different cases, content, image or video will be blurred if that contains some content that makes you uncomfortable. You need to click on that image or video to see that image. The only way to see that content to click on it.


When to use NSFW?

You can use NSFW whenever do you think that your message, video, image or content makes someone uncomfortable then you should use it.

If you are texting someone any link then you can write NSFW  in the text before the link, NSFW show another person your msg maybe uncomfortable him/her. so they can open that content by there own decision and if that content will make them uncomfortable then they will not say you something because you already send them a warning message with a link.

If you’re attaching photos or videos to a message, ask the recipient if they can receive NSFW content before you hit that send button. (If you think this will make them uncomfortable, you probably shouldn’t be sending them inappropriate content anyway.)


How to use NSFW?

If you are a website owner then you must use NSFW where you think that your content will make uncomfortable to someone.

There are a few ways to create a filter for your own website if you want to blur NSFW content. The first is an automated method that uses Computer Vision and the PixLab API. To use this method, you must implement the PixLAB API. By calling the API through a PixLab API Key, images will be automatically tested whether they are NSFW or not.


  • If you have a website, blog or youtube channel then you should not upload that content where you need to use NSFW. If you already know that your content is not for everyone and makes people uncomfortable then you must not upload it.
  • Before posting anything check that your content is for everyone or not and if you not then you should not upload it.

Final Words

I told you what does NSFW mean and how to use it and why do you need to use NSFW. and now if you are aware of this then use this whenever you send any message to your friends.

And if possible not to share any uncomfortable content on social media and not send wrong messages to someone.

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