What is an Amazon FNSKU?

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You may have seen the term “FNSKU” on product listings and wondered what it meant. FNSKU stands for “Fulfillment Network Stock-keeping Unit” and is used to track inventory for items sold on Amazon.com.

Once you receive your FNSKU label, you will need to attach it to your products before listing them on Amazon. This label includes a barcode that Amazon uses to scan and track your products in their fulfillment centers. In this blog post, we’ll dive deeper into what an Amazon FNSKU is and how to use it.

An Amazon FNSKU is a unique identifier that is assigned to products sold on Amazon.com. This identifier is used by Amazon to track inventory levels in their fulfillment centers.

Each FNSKU label includes a barcode that Amazon uses to scan and track products. Once you receive your FNSKU label, you will need to attach it to your products before listing them on Amazon.


You can request FNSKU labels from Amazon by logging into your Seller Central account and going to the “Inventory” tab. From there, click on the “Add a Product” button and select the “Create a new product listing” option.

On the next page, you will be prompted to enter information about your product including the product title, description, price, etc.

After you have entered all of the required information, scroll down to the “Shipping Settings” section and click on the “Request Barcodes for Your Products” button. This will generate a PDF file with your FNSKU labels which you can then print out and attach to your products.

It’s important to note that each variant of a product (e.g., different sizes, colors, etc.) requires its own unique FNSKU label. So if you are selling a shirt that comes in different sizes and colors, each size and color combination will need its own FNSKU label.

How do I create an FNSKU?

Amazon FNSKU

The first step is to create a barcode. You can do this using a free online barcode generator such as www.barcodespider.com. Once you have generated your barcode, you will need to print it out and attach it to your product packaging.

Next, you will need to log into your Amazon Seller Central account and navigate to the “Inventory” tab. On the “Inventory” page, click on the “Add a Product” button and select the “Create a new product listing” option. On the next page, select the “I will generate my own UPC or EAN number” option and enter your barcode information into the provided fields.

Once you have entered all of the required information, click on the “Save and finish later” button at the bottom of the page. Your FNSKU will be generated and displayed on the next page. Be sure to save this information for future reference!

Benefits Of FNSKU

Benefits Of FNSKU

1. Each FNSKU is unique and is assigned to only one product. This means that no two products can have the same FNSKU.

2. The FNSKU label must be affixed to the product in such a way that it cannot be removed without damaging the product. This helps to prevent counterfeiting.

3. The label must be printed on white paper with a black inkjet printer using normal font size (10-12 points). Check out our blog post on how to print FNSKUs for more information.

4. The label should be placed on the outside of the packaging, near the barcode. This will ensure that it can be easily scanned by Amazon employees or customers.

5. Once a product has been sold, the FNSKU can no longer be used again. This helps to prevent resold products from being listed as new products on Amazon.

6. FNSKUs are required for all products that are enrolled in Amazon’s fulfillment program (FBA).

7. Products that are not enrolled in Amazon’s fulfillment program (FBM) do not require an FNSKU but may have one if desired.
Enrolling in FBA allows sellers to take advantage of Amazon’s world-class fulfillment networks, customer service, and other benefits.

8. By being enrolled in Amazon’s fulfillment program, sellers can offer Prime shipping to customers which increases sales conversion rates.

9. FNSKUs are printed on labels that are placed on products. These labels must be affixed to products before they can be listed for sale on Amazon.

10. FNSKUs can also be printed on packagings, such as boxes or poly bags.

11. Amazon assigns a unique FNSKU to every product that is sold on their website. This identification helps them keep track of inventory and ensure that products are properly listed on the site.

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In conclusion, an Amazon FNSKU is a unique identifier that is used by Amazon to track inventory levels in their fulfillment centers. Each FNSKU label includes a barcode that Amazon uses to scan and track products.

Once you receive your FNSKU label, you will need to attach it to your products before listing them on Amazon.

You can request FNSKU labels from Amazon by logging into your Seller Central account and going to the “Inventory” tab.

From there, click on the “Add a Product” button and select the “Create a new product listing” option. It’s important to note that each variant of a product (e.g., different sizes, colors, etc.) requires its own unique FNSKU label.

Some Useful Videos:

How to PRINT and EDIT Amazon UPC & FNSKU Barcode Labels for FREE Tutorial for Beginners

Amazon FBA Barcodes | How to Print and Edit UPC & FNSKU Labels Tutorial for Beginners

Amazon FBA Packaging Requirements, Labeling and UPC Barcodes Tutorial for Beginners | Step By Step

Amazon FBA Barcodes Explained | UPC vs FNSKU Which Is Best? 🤔